meet jeanine

I am a Soul Body Therapist, channeling energy and guidance from the unseen realms. I help my clients to heal and gain insight on a soul and energetic level. My career started in psychology and art therapy working with trauma & dissociative disorders. I worked with modalities such as hypnotherapy and creative expression as a means to access deeper layers beyond our conscious thoughts. Recognizing that healing is multi dimensional, I have now expanded my healing practice to incorporate energy healing, somatic visualization techniques and channeled guidance.

In my corporate space, I facilitate wellness retreats and experiences for clients in beautiful spaces around the world. We connect with the healing elements of nature, give back to community, the planet and ourselves in a deeply meaningful way.

Still on an endless quest for evolution and awakening, I invite you to explore your inner world & soul body connection.

Experience & Training: Energy Healing and Channeled Messages, Celtic Shamanic Practitioner, Mediumship, Journey Meditations, Hypnosis & Visualization Techniques, Spirit Baby Connections, Akashic Records, Ancestral Healing & Art Therapy.

*Disclaimer: sessions do not take the place of medical or psychiatric treatment.

β€œThe Sophia Dragon blows another breath of life into my body. The stardust moves in spirals around me and roots me deeply into the earth beneath my feet. My crown chakra opens as a thousand petaled lotus flower. The tip of each petal is bejeweled with an open eye flashing with tiny lightening bolts. My awareness expands into the omniscient vision of my higher self. I simultaneously see in every direction while remaining focused upon the face of my Phoenix Child smiling at me from within my heart.”

- Quan Yin & The Sophia Code Dragon Tribe