
your guide to accessing your subconscious and energetic body

I am a Soulbody Therapist and Energy Healer. I connect to the intuitive voice of our inner world and the vibrational consciousness of the world around us. I am passionate about bringing community together to experience deeper connections with ourselves and each other. My private and group sessions focus on energy healing and channeled guidance from the unseen realms.

As we move through life, our experiences can have a profound affect on our energetic body and nervous system. Through this deep work, we are able to access our subconscious mind, calm our nervous system, and receive healing on an energetic and soul level.


My sessions are customized for each client’s specific needs. Using a blended approach of energy healing, channeled guidance and visualization techniques, you will be guided into Theta state, a dreamlike or meditative place of awareness where we are able to access connections to our subconscious mind, calm the nervous system and communicate on a spiritual and energetic level.

*Each session is customized to the clients needs. Below are some examples of what a session can include.

  • Balancing and Clearing Your Energetic Field

  • Inner Child Healing & Vizualization Techniques

  • Connecting to your Guides and Higher Self

  • Past Life Contract and Karmic Agreements

  • Connecting to your Authentic Soul Blueprint

    *Last 15 minutes of the session I will share what came through for you.

Gatherings & Workshops

bringing community together for healing

meet jeanine

I am a Soul Body Therapist, channeling guidance and energy from the unseen realms. I help my clients to heal and gain insight on a soul and energetic level. My career started in psychology and art therapy working with trauma & dissociative disorders. I worked with modalities such as hypnotherapy and creative expression as a means to access deeper layers beyond our conscious thoughts. My current practice has expanded to energy healing and channeled guidance through soul journey work. I also facilitate and curate wellness retreats in my corporate space for clients in beautiful places around the world. We connect with the healing elements of nature, give back to community, the planet and ourselves in a deeply meaningful way.

  • I wanted to express my sincerest thank you...

    for the space you both held this past Saturday. Being able to experience the journey was powerful in its own right but the ability to speak on it and share with the four of us on the call solidified an already magical experience. I am so thankful for this workshop that you both created and led. I truly believe things happen for a reason and I am incredibly grateful to have met Taylor back in January and now being introduced to you Jeanine and your unique medicine.

  • Thank you … thank you … for arranging this beautiful meditation.

    You have no idea how much I needed this and benefitted from the experience. I released so much stress and anxiety and I slept so well last night. I’m only sorry I haven’t been able to participate in these meditations previously. I so hope you continue with these … so wonderful! Thank you again!

  • I strongly believe that everyone you meet in life serves a purpose.

    And you…definitely showed up for a reason. You energy, what you are about, how you want to influence others for good, I feel so comfortable with you. We must have crossed paths in a different life….I am eternally grateful for the women’s circles you create.

  • I felt so connected energetically...

    to both the Soul journey & Akashic reading and since it was my first time, I was so surprised at what a powerful experience this was! The Soul Journey allowed me to access & experience emotions that I had not felt on that level & see some interesting things that I want to look at deeper within me.

  • I loved the combination of Soul journey & Akashic...

    both of which were my first time & felt very powerful & aligned. Both hosts felt very warm hearted & held beautiful space for the group. I would love to join any future ceremonies!

  • It’s about being a woman...

    who can recognize, navigate, claim, trust and use her Goddess-given powers of creativity and manifestation, her vision, her intuition and foresight, her rhythms and cyclic nature and her ability to experience fully the dark to serve the light. And she does it to heal not only herself, but her family, her community and ultimately, the world.

  • Thank you for continuing this incredible wellness journey

    This year has been such a journey for me personally. I look forward to your events because you touch me personally and we all need this right now.

  • We meet the most amazing people...

    on our journey in life at the most unexpected times. I believe that our meeting has and will continue to be a blessing. Continue to brighten the world with your beautiful soul. We are all cherishing that light. Thank you for this amazing experience.